martes, octubre 26, 2004

"How could you leave your goose feather bed
with blankets strewn so comely-o?
How could you leave your only wedded Lord
all for a raggle taggle gypsy-o?"

"Well, what care I for my goose feather bed
with blankets strewn so comely-o?
Tonight I lie in a wide open field
in the arms of a raggle taggle gypsy-o"

"How could you leave your house and your land?
How could you leave your money-o?
How could you leave your only wedded Lord
all for a raggle taggle gypsy-o?"

"Well, what care I for my house and my land?
What care I for my money-o?
I'd rather have a kiss from the yellow gypsy's lips
I'm away with the raggle taggle gypsy-o!"

Que ganas de marchar sen dar explicacions, sen me despedir de ninguen. Viaxar, coñecer mundo, xente, coa miña vida nunha bolsa de viaxe.
Que mágoa que xa non haxa raggle-taggle gypsies que me poidan levar con eles...